142 Video Game Trivia Questions & Answers

Are you even a video game expert if you fail to answer even one question from this trivia? If you have confidence in your knowledge about video games, this trivia is definitely for you. Gaming has been a massive industry to talk about. It changes almost on a daily basis and no matter how deep you dig into it, there is always more to discover.

The video game was considered a hobby in childhood but because of the boon in technology, it has become a source of earning too. The gaming industry has a fascinating history that a lot of people are unaware of, even gaming enthusiasts. To boost your knowledge in your favorite industry, you must take this trivia. You may not be right with a question but you must definitely try.

The present scenario of the gaming industry is more interesting. The way it has evolved with time is commendable. A lot of fun facts are also part of this trivia and if you are someone who is too much into theoretical knowledge of video games, the price will definitely come to you.

Since the invention of the first video game, it has captured the market and the minds of people. Not only children but you will see a lot of adult market getting attracted to video games. From social media to traditional computer-based video games, gamers these days are involved in everything. People these days do look at videos games as a career because of a lot of opportunities.

If you are competitive and have full-fledged knowledge of video games, this trivia is for you. Even if you are someone who is looking to enhance their knowledge in the industry, you must participate. If you are not able to answer, at least you will gain some important knowledge out of this.


Scan through the list of questions below when you are hosting the quiz for people. Collect at least a certain number of people when you plan to take this trivia. Few of these questions are difficult while some are easy, so you can filter the questions according to you. Play in a roundtable format and ask questions to each member.

Video Game Trivia Questions & Answers

You can arrange this trivia with the best video game players in your friends or family group. After your questions are done, then the player who has answered the most questions wins the game.

If you are up for the brain teaser, try and answer the following questions based on video games:

  • Trivia Question: If the Minecraft world was real, which planet in the solar system size would it be?

Answer: Neptune would be the planet in solar system if Minecraft world existed in real

  • Trivia Question: Rainbow Road is the final course to which video game?

Answer: Rainbow Road is the final course ‘Mario Kart’ video game

  • Trivia Question: In which video game did Mario originated as a character?

Answer: Doney Kong was the video game where Mario was originated

  • Trivia Question: What is the name of the first successful commercial video game?

Answer: Pong is the first successful commercial video game

  • Trivia Question: Which is the bestselling video game of all the time?

Answer: Minecraft is the bestselling video game preferred by people of all the ages

  • Trivia Question: Which is the highest gaming console?

Answer: Playstation is the highest gaming console

  • Trivia Question: The first game console in North America was released in which year by Ninetendo?

Answer: The first game console in North America was released in 1985 by Ninetendo

  • Trivia Question: Which famous rapper in 2018 released official music video inspired by Minecraft?
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Answer: Kanya West released an official music video inspired by Minecraft

  • Trivia Question: With which game is SK Telecom T 1 are accomplished egamers?

Answer: The SK Telecom T1 are associated with Leagues of Legend

  • Trivia Question: Who invented the popular gaming platform Atari?

Answer: Noal Bushnell and Ted Dabney were the two experts behind the invention of gaming platform ‘Atari’

  • Trivia Question: In 1980s which was the most popular arcade video game?

Answer: Pac Man was the most popular arcade video game in 1980s

  • Trivia Question: Which popular video game has a female version released in 1980s?

Answer: The Popular video game that has female version is Pac Man and the female version of it is known as Mrs. Pac Man

  • Trivia Question: What is the name of the first horror video game franchise?

Answer: Survival Horror or Resident Evil is the first horror video game franchise

  • Trivia Question: In which famous video game franchise is Solid Snake a hero?

Answer: Solid snake is a hero in the video game known as Metal Gear

  • Trivia Question: Where did Nintendo created most popular card games?

Answer: Nintendo created the most popular card games in Japan

  • Trivia Question: In Splatoon 2, what is Pearl’s signature color?

Answer: Pink is Peal’s signature color in Splatoon 2

  • Trivia Question: What type of video game is Astro Boy?

Answer: Astro Boy is Action type of video game

  • Trivia Question: In cuphead how many over worlds are there?

Answer: There are 4 worlds in a cuphead

  • Trivia Question: Which was the first video game that was played at multiple computer installations?

Answer: Spacewar was the first video game that was played at multiple computer installation

  • Trivia Question: In which year was Atari Inc. founded?

Answer: In 1972 was the Atari Inc. founded

  • Trivia Question: The Pac-Man was developed by which company for arcades in 1980?

Answer: Namco Limited developed the Pac-Man for arcades in 1980

  • Trivia Question: How many people play Roblox in each month

Answer: Roblox has 150 million people in each month. The customers attracted are in huge number

  • Trivia Question: In the world’s largest video game, how many collections are there?

Answer: The world’s largest video game has 20,139 titles in it

  • Trivia Question: Which game is considered as the worst video game collection in the industry?

Answer: Atari ET is the widely regarded as the worst video game collection in the industry

  • Trivia Question: V-bucks are from which famous video game franchise?

Answer: Fortnite

  • Trivia Question: Which product did Nintendo start selling initially?

Answer: Initially Nintendo started selling Playing Cards

  • Trivia Question: What is the name of Jack Mitchell’s best friend in ‘Call of Duty’, Advanced Warfare?

Answer: Will Irons is the best friend of Jack Mitchell

  • Trivia Question: On the cover of ‘Madden NFL 18’, who is pictured on it?

Answer: Tom Bardy is on the covers of Madden NFL 18

  • Trivia Question: Which year was Nintendo founded?

Answer: In 1889, the Nintendo was founded

  • Trivia Question: For which video game was Blizzard Entertainment is well known for?

Answer: World of Warcraft is the most famous video game by the Blizzard Entertainment

  • Trivia Question: On the collaboration of Sony with Playstation, which video game company was initially involved?

Answer: Nintendo was involved in the collaboration but the companies later parted ways

  • Trivia Question: To create a cluster supercomputer, which video game console did United States Air Force used?

Answer: The PlayStation 3 (PS3) was used by United States Air Force to create a cluster supercomputer

  • Trivia Question: Pac Model’s character is inspired by which food?
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Answer: The Pac Model’s owner was eating a pizza when he came up with his idea

  • Trivia Question: Which peripheral device can be plugged into Nintendo 64 controller to make it vibrate?

Answer: Rumble Pak is the name of the peripheral device that can be plugged into Nintendo 64 controller to make it vibrate

  • Trivia Question: MIT Students hacked the lightning system of an entire building in 2018 to play in which game?

Answer: Tetris was the game for which MIT students hacked the lightning system of the building

  • Trivia Question: What do Mario and Luigi do in their professions?

Answer: Both Mario and his brother Luigi are Plumbers

  • Trivia Question: Easter egg was featured by which videogame?

Answer: Easter egg was featured by The Adventure named video game

  • Trivia Question: In 1990s, which was the bestselling video game?

Answer: The bestselling video game in 1990s was Pokemon Red, Green and Blue

  • Trivia Question: Whose sister was Naughty Dog?

Answer: Crash Bandicoot was the brother of Naughty Dog

  • Trivia Question: In 1990s which video game allowed you to play real life simulation

Answer: The sims video game allowed to play real life simulation

  • Trivia Question: The popular airplane simulation game in the year 1990s was known as?

Answer: The popular airplane simulation game was popularly known as Fighter Simulator

  • Trivia Question: Who is the brother of Solid Snake?

Answer: Liquid Snake was the brother of Solid snake

  • Trivia Question: What Mortal Kombat character was based on a ninja?

Answer: Sub-zero character was based on a ninja

  • Trivia Question: In December 2017 which was the best selling video game?

Answer: Call of Duty: WWII was the most sold video game in December 2017

  • Trivia Question: Which sport is The Game Fight Night 2004 about?

Answer: The Game Fight Night 2004 was about Boxing

  • Trivia Question: Atari 2600 was originally branded as?

Answer: The original Atari 2600 was originally known as The Atari VCS or the Atari Video Computer System

  • Trivia Question: Sega’s first coin-operated game was known as?

Answer: Periscope was Sega’s first coin operated game

  • Trivia Question: At Nintendo, what was the original internal code name for the Game Boy?

Answer: Dot Metrix game was the original internal code name for the game boy

  • Trivia Question: After the ended relationship with Nintendo, what did Sony end up creating?

Answer: PlayStation was created by Sony after ending relationship with Nintendo

  • Trivia Question: What was the cost of virtual device in 1980?

Answer: It was priced as $49,000 in the year 1980

  • Trivia Question: The first virtual headset was created in which year?

Answer: In the year 1995, the first virtual headset was created

  • Trivia Question: The first flight simulator was released where?

Answer: Microsoft released the first flight simulator

  • Trivia Question: Which popular video game was purchased by Microsoft for more than 1B?

Answer: Minecraft was purchased by Microsoft

  • Trivia Question: Who created Tetris?

Answer: Alexey Pajitnov was the mastermind of Tetris

  • Trivia Question: How many gamers are there in USA?

Answer: There are about 183 billion gamers in the USA on a regular basis

  • Trivia Question: In which year was ‘World of Warcraft’ released?

Answer: The World of Warcraft was released in the year 2004

  • Trivia Question: Which company developed Xbos?

Answer: Microsoft developed Xbos

  • Trivia Question: What is the name of the orange ghost in the video game Pac-man?

Answer: Clyde was the name of the orange ghost in the video game Pac-man

  • Trivia Question: What 2014 game gives you the name ‘Douchrbag’?
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Answer: South Park: The Stick of Truth

  • Trivia Question: Which was the first gaming console that had in-house memory?

Answer: ‘The SEGA’ Saturn had one MB of internal memory

  • Trivia Question: Sonic appeared in which type of game for the first time?

Answer: Sonic first appeared as an air freshener in the 1991 Sega release, ‘Red Mobile.’

  • Trivia Question: What was the original name of the gene Bank in the game of BioShock?

Answer: The original name of the gene bank in the game of BioShock was Plasmi-Quick Response

  • Trivia Question: What is the planet called which hosts Gears of War game?

Answer: Sera is the planet that is called as hosts in Gears of War game

  • Trivia Question: What problem has 40% of the virtual reality users faced?

Answer: Motion sickness and VR Developers are working on finding solutions for this problem

  • Trivia Question: What is the percentage of gamers who are considered as online gaming bonding activity?

Answer: 33% of adult gamers play video game with their children atleast once in a week

  • Trivia Question: Which country has tried to put a ban on midnight gaming?

Answer: South Korea once put a ban on midnight gaming for minors. They passed a proper law on the prohibition

  • Trivia Question: The name of human gene was inspired by which popular game character?

Answer: Sonic the Hedgehog inspired by the name of the SHH gene

  • Trivia Question: The famous actor Robin Williams name his children after which popular video games?

Answer: He has two children named as Zelda and Cody from the video games Legend of Zelda and Final Fight respectively

  • Trivia Question: Where is the headquarters of Nintendo?

Answer: The headquarters of Nintendo is situated in Kyoto

  • Trivia Question: Who created the video game mist?

Answer: Rand Miller, Robyn Miller, and Richard Vander Wende created the video game Mist

  • Trivia Question: When the first prototype for a home-based video game console developed?

Answer: In the year 1967, the first prototype for a home-based video game console developed

  • Trivia Question: Mario was first featured in the video game named?

Answer: Super bros Mario

  • Trivia Question: Who was the third party independent console video game developer?

Answer: Activision was the third part independent console video game developer

  • Trivia Question: Which game was developed by the students of MIT, and later published with the title commercially in 1980?

Answer: Zork was developed by the students of MIT in 1980

  • Trivia Question: In 90s, which American toy manufacturer what’s famous for their LCD handheld video games?

Answer: Tiger Electronics was the first American toy Manufacturer in 90s

  • Trivia Question: Who bought Atari from Warner Communications in 1984?

Answer: Warner Communications sold Atari to Jack Tramiel 1984  

A lot of people might have mastered video games, so now it’s time for you to check if they know about the games also. The video game industry has had a lot of revolutions and the challenge is to gather every information about it. Make the best video game trivia for your audience.

Choose video games from different platforms and do not make the questions very difficult that no one can understand them. These questions are in between and best suited for video game freaks.

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