120 Interesting Topics to Talk About with Anyone

Every one of us has been in a situation with someone when the conversation is dead and both of you are simply sitting there trying to think of anything to say. A conversation must be easy to maintain, yet even the chattiest among us may run into a block. Fortunately, with a little effort, anybody can learn how to start and maintain a fantastic conversation!

Interesting Topics to Talk About

Check out the topics listed below that have fascinating things to say and are broken down into groups.

Universal topics to talk about

The conversation about work or education

The best way to start any discussion is to talk about their work or education. Everyone is doing something in their lives, whether it is hunting for a job or a promotion, or saving to start a company. You will learn more about that individual if you ask or have a discussion about it.

Discussing your profession with a friend or sibling can also be beneficial to both of you. For example, if a man loses his job but does not tell you, you may refer him to your human resources department, and he may be able to find another job.

Some of the most random education topics are :

  • Which is your go-to subject?
  • What’s your career goal?
  • What do you like the best about your profession?
  • What is the work culture in your organization?
  • Do you have any plans for a master’s course?

Conversation about travel

How you can drive people’s attention towards you is by talking to them about travel and tours. You may hesitate sometimes to start a conversation, thinking that you will sound stupid or look weird, but everyone is traveling these days and is excited about knowing different places to travel to; hence, a conversation about travel is the best way to start any conversation.

Whether you are at your cousin’s house or at a family gathering, the best thing that we all love about those gatherings is meeting with our busy cousins. You can start the conversation with some travel questions like:

  • What’s your travel plan for this year?
  • How about we plan a family trip together?
  • What are the places you have covered till now?
  • Do you prefer holiday packages or self-travel planning?
  • What is you like watching on Netflix?

When you are with your parents, you can always start a conversation by saying something that excites them or something that they expect. You can ask them to travel with you to their favorite temples or places. Many times, it’s difficult to convince them, so you can also start a conversation by convening them for a family trip, and then you end up knowing their favorite places and about their experience.

Conversation about hobbies

Everyone has a hobby; some follow it as a passion, while others enjoy it as a pastime, and others pursue it as a career. The majority of individuals have similar interests, serving as a conversation starter. Discussing interests with your parents can benefit you in several ways. It will reveal what your parents like doing the most, and if there is a pastime that they can begin at this age, you may encourage them to do so. Questions that are good to start the conversation like:

  • What is the best way you consume your free time?
  • Do you live outdoor or indoor activities?
  • What excites you most about on weekends?

You and your buddy may have known each other for a long time, yet you cannot communicate effectively now. Discussing mutual interests could assist you in spending more quality time with your pal.

The conversation about the hero

A personal hero doesn’t need to be someone you directly know. A superhero from a movie or a TED show presenter, or for that matter, anybody you know by their face, is a good example.

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Conversation with a stranger about the hero he or she admires in their life might prove to be a life-changing event for you because it’s likely that you and your new friend have the same hero in your heart. Shoot up the following question for an interesting chat:

  • Which is the superhero movie you are waiting for?
  • Which is the last superhero movie you enjoyed on theather?
  • Have you seen the recent release superhero movie?
  • What’s your call on the latest released superhero movie?

Entertainment topics to talk about include

The conversation about movie preferences

Starting a conversation with an entertainment topic and talking about movies is a great way to commence a conversation. Entertainment is a big field, and some of the other things in entertainment, whether it is music, movies, cartoons, or daily soaps, are the best to start a discussion. Some of the ideas are following:

  • Do you like the twist in the XYZ TV show?
  • Which is your favorite current Korean drama on Netflix?
  • Have you watched the recent release movie of the superstar name?
  • Which was your all-time favorite cartoon during your childhood?

A conversation about music choice

Music is said to be medicine, a healer, and a favorite hobby. Every other person loves to listen to music. It is always a great subject to start communication with.  When you are with your friends or siblings, you can simply ask them out to play some music when you are getting bored and can start to communicate like:

  • Do you like the album of particular singers’ songs?
  •  Can you suggest I play some good music?
  • Which is the song you are listening to on loop?
  • Who is your favorite singer?

A conversation about food preferences

As we say, good food is equal to a good mood. Talking about food and discussing food is the most interesting thing to have a conversation about. You can always talk about different food dishes, different restaurants, hotels, cafes, clubs, and bars, and your favorite food from those places.

You visit a cafe and order something, but you are confused about what to order. The boy standing next to you is also ordering. You ask him to give you some amazing food suggestions from the menu, and he suggests to you about the dishes that are best in that cafe, and you both start talking about different foods and dishes.  Some of the interesting food questions to start your communication are below:

  • What do you like to have from the menu?
  • What’s your favorite dish or cuisine?
  • Which is the best place you have tried a dish name?
  • Have you tried some specific dish from a famous place?
  • Which is the dish you can eat all over the year?

The conversation about games/sports

Sports Discussion Questions are an excellent way to start a conversation since most people like sports of some kind, whether they are famous or not. While you were shouting for your favorite cricket team at the stadium, you were unaware that another individual was sitting alone who was also supporting the same team. Go ahead and start chatting with your new friend and cheering for both of your favorite teams. Start a conversation to your next seater by asking:

  • When you have started liking cricket?
  • Who is the cricketer you are biased to?
  • What are your memories of the world cup?
  • Do you follow any cricket pages on social media?

Nostalgia is a topic worth discussing

The conversation about childhood memories

Communication about childhood is still one of our favorite things to talk about and have a discussion about.  You are sitting in a park with your kids and seeing them play. You say to the person standing next to you, “I miss my childhood” and can simply begin a conversation discussing the games you used to play and the things you used to do and questions for the same are:

  • Do you remember your favorite spot for hiding & seeking?
  • Do you still eat weird food combinations like in childhood?
  • Do you remember our favorite Jonny Uncle?
  • Did you miss the cranking grandma on small things?
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The conversation about childhood games

We certainly had a lot of fun playing games both inside and outside throughout our childhood. We will not hold back when it comes to recalling our favorite video gaming experiences from our youth. If you are at the school for your child’s admission and another child’s mother is also there, the two of you may start a conversation about your or your child’s favorite game such as:

  • Which is your favorite childhood game?
  • Do you have any of the childhood pics?
  • What was the best memory of your childhood?
  • Do you still afraid of swimming in the water?

The conversation about a favorite dessert

Dessert has a richness that can never be forgotten. Having a friend to converse with and share dessert with is always a bonus. The topic of desserts may serve as an excellent springboard for further discussion like:

  • Do you like sweets or cakes for dessert?
  • Which is the best dessert you have tried ever?
  • Do you have a sweet tooth?
  • Which is your favorite ice cream flavor?
  • Which is your favorite place for some amazing dessert?

The conversation about festival celebration

If you are having trouble striking up a conversation, and you happen to be Indian, you may always bring up the childhood celebration tradition as a possible subject of discussion. It will aid in recollection memories while providing a humorous narrative to the audience. Discussing religious holidays with a buddy will help you better comprehend other religious celebrations that you may participate in in the future. Some of the common questions to ask for nostalgic festive talks are:

  • Which is your best memory of the festival name?
  • How was celebrating festival name at home?
  • Do you prepare a dish name for a specific festival?
  • What’s the tradition you & follow at this festival?

The conversation about animations shows

When someone recalls a favorite animated series or cartoon from their childhood, it never fails to bring a smile to your face. You will never run out of ways to emulate your favorite phrases. You may start a conversation with your cousin by asking him what his favorite cartoon is, and soon you will have a mutual interest in the subject. The question to hit for on these interesting topics are:

  • What’s your favorite animation of your time?
  • Do you remember this animation of our time?
  • What’s your best memory of this animation?
  • Did you have any toys of this animation in childhood?

Standout moments

A conversation about commitment toward life

Communicating about life is a sensational topic to discuss. Whether it is about an aim you have to achieve or the expectations you have with life, this conversation always motivates you or something that makes it memorable.  Starting a conversation with your friend about:

  • How’s everything going with your partner?
  • How long you are going to work in the same organization?
  • What’s your plan for your future career goals?
  • Do you figout the right time to switch your career?

The conversation about the day they are having

Ask someone about their day, or speak about your own if you are not sure what to chat about or have nothing fascinating to say. The small conversation may brighten anyone’s day, even if they seem to be having a poor one. Instead of asking personal inquiries, try to provide some words of support. Questions that can hit so well for a conversation beginning are:

  • What’s the best thing of the day?
  • Did you get the time to talk to your seniors about the project?
  • How was your meeting on that project?
  • How is everything at your end?
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As a friend, you may not be aware of your buddy’s unpleasant day, but if they would want to talk, you may be able to assist them to relax or addressing any of their problems.

A conversation about weekend plans

Discussing weekends is a great thing to talk about. Every one of us loves to enjoy some quality time with family and friends on weekends, and it can also become a topic of discussion. You visited a club with your friends and you saw a girl who was busy dancing and you liked her. You can start with questions like:

  • Do you like the dance move of that girl?
  • Do you like going to clubs or restaurants?
  • What’s your plan for the upcoming weekend?
  • How about a movie and lunch for a catchup another time?

Trend topics to talk about

The conversation about trendy lifestyle tips

Discussing trendy lifestyle tips is a great way to communicate, as people are more into trends and love to follow the different tips on lifestyle. It is an outstanding topic to talk about. Discussing trendy lifestyles with your parents can be interesting as well as tiresome too, because they love to wear the clothes they look good in, and today’s generation goes with the trend, not just with clothes but with everything in life. 10. A quick question for starting the chat is:

  • Should I start eating raw vegetables for weight loss?
  • Does drinking eight glasses of water really improve skin texture?
  • Should I improvise my sleeping pattern to get rid of dark circles?
  • What’s the best way to de-stress?

The conversation about trendy styling tips

Trendy styling tips are important to discuss as everyone is going with the trend. You can easily communicate about these.  You visited the mall and saw a lady with a hair color that you liked, so you asked her about her hair color and you both ended up communicating about different hair colors.

Discussing with your parents about the trending styles can be carried out because they rarely like that stuff. You can carry the conversation by asking them:

  • Which tattoo design should I opt for my hand?
  • Which hair color will look amazing on me?
  •  How about a pair of sunglasses with this dress?
  • Should I go with simple and loud makeup or a bright dress and no makeup?

The conversation about social media handles

We can no longer ignore social media since it has gobbled up so much of our time. There are many things we can do through social media, like talk to friends who live far away, meet our favorite celebrities, and do a lot more. There are an infinite number of subjects that may be discussed on social media accounts and exiting questions to initiate a conversation are below:

  • How much you are active on social media?
  • Which are the social media accounts you swear by?
  • Do you like enjoying the (famous artist name)  reels?
  • What’s your social media bio mean?

There are different topics and various topics. To have a conversation, you just need the presence of mind and curiosity inside you to have an interactive conversation.

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